Sending live data from you drone ore rover, Well it can be anything to our API is easy. The only thing is to follow our JSON schema and you are ready to go
Missions:It all starts with a mission, Create a mission in your acocunt and every misison get a key. then key is the only thing you need to add and then you data to get started.
Preset Data:Some values like temperature we already have setup and if you now send tempo data to us over the API we can display it in the live tab.
Custom Data:Well its Json so you can dump json data with your own values and it will be saved into you mission.
GPS:We have preset GPS values and and if you send in GPS data you can now follow your mission data in the live tab
So what devices can we use. Well we have a simple API and as long as it can run any code if will work. We often use raspberry ore other small devices to send mission data.
Compute:Its simple to get started with small cumputer like Raspberry. Use any sensor and then start sending data to our api. It can be on a fixed location ore move around.
Mission and devices:How is the api working and can i use it to mote things. When you setup a mission in then console a key is created. Now you can send in data using that key and all data will be stored intot hat mission. You cna use many devices and send data to the same mission. In the data you can add data to defirent the diffrent devices.
Init and media links:When calling the api you can also call the init endpint of the mission. This endpoint will return media url to the device. Then a mission is created we also create a set of media link for video and images. And by calling the init endpoint for the mission you get the link and can now use them for streaming video and sending images.
Other sensors (Andriod):We are working at an andriod app that can be added to a drone ore carried by a persion and used as a sensor to send data and video back to the api. This way we you can easly turn almost anything to a sensor for your mission.
To make it easu for all us thet have get data from drone using mavlink we have made a plugin into the mavlink proxy. Now you can send mavlink udp data to the proxy and it will proxy the data into tou mission.
Mavlink protocol:When setup pre values we are basing it from the mavlink protocol so by using the mavlink proxy it will be a easy match sedning data to Ollebo
Video:In the working are a rtsp proxy thet will proxy your live video feed from your drone and will use it to upload images and stream video to Ollebo
Realtime and mission data:Track and follwo you flighjt in realtime here in the live tab. Ore go back and look at you mission when done. Keep a full flight log of all yur mission here at us
When sending images to us from your drone we can add some image tolls to that image. Find object and clasisfy your images then they arrived to our api.'
Image stiching :when getitng image we can aslo stick them togheter to make a fligh path from your drone aore sensor.
Video sampling :when streaming a video our proxy can also example: (sample 1 of 60 frames= as a image and upload for image procesisng. This make it wasy to setup a drone with mavlink. Stream live video and also have images process during thet flight.