Maps from Drones

Map Sharing

Upload GeTiff to vizulize and display

Buld by Dronepilots

Easy map publish for dronepilots. Upload map to diffrent spaces for you clients. Keep track of changes and share private ore public.

Host your own Maps

Keep your own map by your self with your own Mapserver but view here will public maps. See maps from all your spaces and mapserver from one place.

OlleBo Easy Map managers

As a Dronepilot you can easy upload geotiff maps from example opendronemap project. The map will be sliced and avalibal to look at with our map tool.

When the map is uploaed you can easy choose to the ower om the map with spaces. I space would be the clintet reqesting the map. when the map is upload and set to public then everyone can view tha map. But is set to private, Onlye the mamaber in the sapce has access to vies the map.


Selfhosted Map server

So to keep your maps in you own hosting we have OlleBo Mapserver. The mapserver you can host by your self ore with a clink in on of our partners.

Your map now are stored in your own provider in example Europe. Ore on your own server. And you controll tha access to your maps. We only have a ref and the conrdinat and you can use our map server to look att maps. - All the public - Private in the spaces your are member in - And from one ore many Mapserver hosted anywhere


We are starting up

We are starrting up and want your feedback what we can do to make your work more easy. There are several ways to get in contact with us and start wroking togheter

  • Join ore Slack and chat we the team direct

  • Email will also work

  • We ae waling the streats of Stockholm Sweden

Meet the staff

We are a mixed people working on the project and here are some.

Mattias Hemmingsson

Founder / drone pilot and robots

API Connections

Are you bulding an service ore app. And want to integrate dronmaps into your service. With our API its eays to integrate your service and add dronmaps.

Excelent Services

Simple api to query to get maps back. Based on location data ore tags. All maps are cahced and serviced over CDN. Your your own endpints if need.

Grow your market

By adidng high definition mpas into you app ore service you can add more value to your service. Let your users view diffrent maps directly in yoru service.

Add Maps

Request maps from location easy. Let you user request a map over and area and we will work wih a dronpilot to map the area and upload the map into us so your users easy can see the maps after.

Want to work with us?

Join ore slack ore and get access to our API